Upcoming Events - Hosted by FOWR and other local organizations

Introducing Wekiva Wellness!

April 17, 2024, 6:30pm- Our wellness kick-off event: Unlock the Harmony Within Workshop

Join the Friends of Wekiva River for a transformative experience interconnecting biology, nature, and sound meditation. Valencia biology professor Jamie Prusak will explain how the impact of the serene beauty of nature can unlock a peacefulness within us, and then immerse yourself in the healing power of sound through meditation with your certified sound healer, Shin’nai. Attendees can expect to rediscover their connection with nature and nurture their inner peace and wellness through the therapeutic benefits of sound.

Cost: $15.00 per person and $3.00 to park at Katie’s Landing (please bring $3 cash day of)

What to Bring: Yoga Mat or Chair and Water

Space is limited to 15 people, so reserve your spot today!

Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection with the living world around you. Let the symphony of biology, nature, and sound guide you towards inner harmony and vitality.


(If you’re disappointed to be missing this one, don’t worry! This is the first event of a series of nature-related, wellness gatherings. More will be announced soon!)

Flutter into FREE Butterfly Gardens & More

Here in Seminole County Earth Month means Water CONSERVATION and FREE stuff! Join us for our webinars to be entered for a chance to win. 

Rain Barrels 4/11, 10am
WIN one of 12 rain barrels, valued at $150 each!
Register here: https://bit.ly/FFL2024
Right Plant, Right Place: TREES! 4/18, 2pm
Win one of 125 Florida-Friendly Trees, values at $25 each!
Register here: https://bit.ly/TREES2024

Join us for BOTH webinars and be entered to win one of 25 BUTTERFLY CONTAINER GARDENS!

On Saturday, 4/20 we will have our big event at the Sanford Lowes with a chance to WIN FREE giveaways, compliments of Lowes, such as a grill or low-flow toilet.

Winners for the rain barrels, trees and butterfly gardens will be notified after the webinar and before the Lowes event to pick up their winnings at Lowes on 4/20. Add these dates to your calendar now so you don't miss out!

Join Tina McIntyre THIS SATURDAY morning (March 30, 2024) at 7:15 on the Better Lawns and Gardens Radio Show with Teresa Watkins! We will be talking about how to be a better gardener, an environmental steward and upcoming programs, so you won't want to miss out! Click this link or the logo below to get set up on iHeart Radio so you don't miss out.

Wekiwa Springs Watch -

The 3rd Thursday of each month

Time: 8:30 AM- approx. 11:30

Location: Wekiva Island, 1014 Miami Springs Dr., Longwood, FL

Thank you, Wekiva Island, for donating canoes for this activity!

BECOME A CITIZEN SCIENTIST AND HELP MONITOR OUR SPRINGS! SpringsWatch is a citizen science program that provides volunteers with hands-on training in the field.  That “field” is Florida’s beautiful springs!  Volunteers learn all aspects of water quality monitoring and get to know the wildlife and plants that depend on springs systems.  This fun and educational day on the water also contributes to our springs knowledge database as well as that of other environmental agencies across the state.

Currently, the Florida Springs Institute has 11 active SpringsWatch groups across Florida, including Wekiwa Springs.  During SpringsWatch sessions, volunteers collect data on water temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, vertical light attenuation, aquatic vegetation, wildlife, and human uses.

SpringsWatch is a great way to get out to the springs, learn, and help generate data that supports them.  Email michelle@friendsofwekiva.org if you’d like to join!

Check back soon for more nature-related wellness events, links to other local, summer activities as well as announcements for our Fall 2024/Spring 2025 event calendar!


March 2024 Pavilion Update at Katie's Landing


FOWR is making a film!